2017年2月12日12th February, 20172017年2月12日2017년2월12일
予選ラウンドを勝ち抜いた猛者たちが『JAEPO 2017』にて直接対決!Qualifiers of each title battle face to face in JAEPO!各機種預賽中脫穎而出的強者們將會在JAEPO2017中直接對決!예선 라운드를 통과한 각 타이틀의 강자들이 JAEPO2017에서 직접 대결!
Individual Category
Semi Final
8 finalists group into 2 blocks of 4 in random. Play 2 assigned songs for each block. Top player with highest total score qualify to Final. (Total Finalists: 2)
Assigned Songs
Each block draws 2 songs from assigned song list.
2 finalists play 2 assigned songs and the one with highest total score becomes champion.
Assigned Songs
LV10 songs selected by players from the assigned songs list. (Repeat selection is not allowed.)
Team Category
Semi Final
4 teams group into 2 blocks in random. Play 1 assigned song by each block. The team with highest total score of members qualify to Final. (Total No of Team: 2)
2 members from each team will play the assigned songs and then another 2 members then combine the total score of all 4 members.
Assigned Songs
Each block draws 1 song from assigned song list.
2 teams play 2 assigned songs and the team with highest total score becomes champion.
2 members from each team will play the assigned songs and then another 2 members then combine the total score of all 4 members.
Assigned Songs
LV10 songs selected by players from the assigned songs list. (Repeat selection is not allowed.)
- Individual Category: If vacancies occur due to participant's own situation, replacement or change of members is not allowed and the team will be disqualified.
- チャンピオンプレート 個人部門Champion plate Individual CategoryChampion plate Individual CategoryChampion plate Individual Category
- チャンピオンプレート 団体部門Champion plate Team CategoryChampion plate Team CategoryChampion plate Team Category