フットパネルを一人で4枚使ってプレーするスタイルだよ!One-person play style!
Dance solo on the 4 foot panels!

Advanced play style...
You can dance solo on all the 8 foot panels! This style is for advanced dancers!

Two-person play style!
Dance together each on the 4 foot panels!

Select a Category first.
Choose by VERSION.
Choose from BEMANI series.
Choose by BPM.
Choose by LEVEL.
Choose by SONG TITLE.
Choose by GENRE.
Your choices are…
Select a Category first.
Choose by VERSION.
Choose from BEMANI series.
Choose by BPM.
Choose by LEVEL.
Choose by SONG TITLE.
Choose by GENRE.
Your choices are…

After selecting a Category, open a Folder and look for a song you'd like to dance to.

Select your favorite song using
←→buttons! Use ■ button to confirm.

You can select the difficulty level after making your song choice.
・BEGINNER…Introductory steps for beginners.
・BASIC…A difficulty level easy enough for anyone to enjoy.
・DIFFICULT…A difficulty level that includes realistic dance moves.
・EXPERT…A difficulty level strictly for expert players.
・CHALLENGE…Difficult steps, but fun to try!!
*There are songs without CHALLENGE level as an option.
Please select the difficulty level suited for your dancing skills.
You can select the difficulty level after making your song choice.
・BEGINNER…Introductory steps for beginners.
・BASIC…A difficulty level easy enough for anyone to enjoy.
・DIFFICULT…A difficulty level that includes realistic dance moves.
・EXPERT…A difficulty level strictly for expert players.
・CHALLENGE…Difficult steps, but fun to try!!
*There are songs without CHALLENGE level as an option.
Please select the difficulty level suited for your dancing skills.

※e-amusement passを使用すると、より多くのゲームオプションを設定できます。
選択できるオプションの詳細はこちらから! Hold the ■ button and enter the Options Menu to modify the game:
Customize settings to your liking. Enjoy dancing!
*More game option settings will be available when using an e-amusement pass.
Please click here for detailed information of available options.

画面上部のステップゾーンと重なった瞬間に同じ方向のパネルを踏もう! Arrows appear from the bottom of the screen and move up to the beat.
When these arrows reach the Step Zones at the top of the screen overlapping with them, step on the corresponding panel(s)!

When Dance Gauge becomes empty, you get "FAILED".

Check the spots you are concerned with from your play on the result screen!
Use the ←→ buttons to switch pages.

長い矢印(FREEZE ARROWが来たら矢印の終わりまで踏み続けましょう。■FREEZE ARROW
When you see long arrow(s) (FREEZE ARROW), it means that you have to keep your foot or feet on the panel(s) until arrow(s) pass over the Step Zone.