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pop'n music éclale 予選ラウンドルール・課題曲ページ(The 5th KAC)

Entry period closed(エントリー状況の確認はこちら)(Confirm the entry status)(網站來報名或確認報名狀態。)(엔트리 상황을 확인)

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Preliminaries are held online.
※Entry period closed
예선 라운드는 온라인으로 진행됩니다.
※엔트리 수속이 종료 되었습니다.

Preliminaries will be conducted in 5th KAC pop'n Boys Group and 5th KAC pop'n Girls Group. Top 3 players from each group with highest total scores of assigned songs will qualify to final. (Total 3 finalists)Players only allow to entry in either Boys Group or Girls Group.
※Please entry according to gender. Finalists entry in wrong gender are prohibited to join the final.
Songs can be selected from 「KAC男子部門」(KAC Boys Group) and 「KAC女子部門」(KAC Girls Group) in 「イベント・公募」(Event, public offering) category in songs selection.

Assigned Songs

Boys Group
Assigned Songs Difficulty
mind EX
男盛~おとこざかり EX
少年は空を辿る H
24時間のヒーロー EX
レトロ男爵の嘆き EX
明日への誓い EX
男々道 EX
ススメ!少年!! EX
Girls Group
Assigned Songs Difficulty
Perverse Heart ~あまのじゃく~ EX
ロクブテ EX
@n H@ppy Choice EX
Broadway Diva EX
凛として咲く花の如く EX
乙女繚乱 舞い咲き誇れ EX
なまいきプリンセス EX
  • Players only allow to entry in either 5th KAC pop'n Boys Group or 5th KAC pop'n Girls Group.
  • Please entry according to gender. Finalists entry in wrong gender are prohibited to join the final.
  • Scores will only be recorded after registration competition. Please notice that scores will not be recorded before the registration process completed even it is within the preliminaries period.
  • In the case that assigned songs in a group are played more than one time, the highest total score of the group in a single play takes priority.
  • In the event that more than 3 players ranked qualified, priority will be given to the player who achieved it first.
  • In the case that there are withdrawals or finalists shifted to another group, it will replace by player ranked next.